Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A Stroll With Nanna

With traveling shoes and a walking stick Nana and I head out for a trip.

The day is young and the breeze quite cool

so a sweater I grabbed as we head outdoors,

and an adventure begins with the sound of the door.


A scent of sugar fills up my nose and

A hummingbird we spy near our lilac bush,

He is clicking and red, dancing about

trying to impress females that are hidden about.


With our next step Cowboy our dog we do find

Carrying a foot that belongs to a Hind

“Oh my,” Says I “that is not good”

But Nana keeps walking and spoke not a word.


We head down the hill and exited the lane

by our little red gate I spy a black snake

but with Nana’s great stride she steps on across

and I dare myself to follow her true.

I too steped across just like I knew.


Last year’s pecan I clutched in my hand

till a squirrel I did hear

Ranting and raving, he was pitching a fit so the nut I did toss

and with the nut in hand he scampered away.


A skip and a hop placed me smack-dab in the woods and Nana keep
walking wheeling her staff weaving through trees and cutting a path.

We rounded a log and a dragonfly flew by

it was brilliantly blue and trimmed out in yellow.

My Nana kept walking her expression was mellow.


Soon with each step she began to sing,

and the sound of her voice made my heart ring.


She came to the top and leaned on her staff

And I gazed at the picture that with her steps she just led.

A valley below cropped in clover, deep cloves of green

Crowned in purple.

A billowing willow danced in the wind

and a large boulder of gray gave shade to some twins.

Springs early fawns dusted in spots.

Tiny and elegant, their beauty crept in my thoughts.


A brook of clear water twisted around and then back.

New to my amazement I spied a young calf. Blacker than night

With a coat of pure velvet he wobbled and hunted

for his mid-morning meal and again I was bewildered by all I did see.


A speck of brown did I spy way up high until the colorless moth landed just
there. As moments passed a shape I could tell a clan of vultures

Now perched on a tree watching the baby that was now watching me.

This circle of life brought joy to my soul and I leaned against Nana who
leaned on her staff and we gazed out below us at the trail we soon would

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